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ABLE with ASL Timestamps

0:00 Introduction by Krista Epps

0:58 They are easily able to chat in sign. Can you? They know ASL. Can you sign?

1:29 Krista Epps signs a clip description: two people sitting on a wall, one signing, one watching

1:40 Yan Zheng signs a clip description: two people sitting on a wall, one signing, one watching

1:51 He has the ability to read Braille. Do you? He knows how to read Braille with his fingers. Do you know how to read this way?

2:01 Krista signs a clip description: a blind man sitting on a bench outside, reading a Braille book

2:20 Yan signs a clip description: a blind man sitting on a bench outside, reading a Braille book

2:38 She is able to take good care of her brother. She holds her younger brother's hand to keep him safe.

2:48 Krista signs a clip description: a little girl holding her brother’s hand as they walk on a wooded path

3:10 Yan signs a clip description: a little girl holding her brother’s hand as they walk on a wooded path

3:28 Looking carefully, she was able to choose the best apples. She carefully looked at each apple. She found the most beautiful ones.

3:44 Krista signs a clip description: a woman in a wheelchair, shopping for apples in a grocery store

4:06 Yan signs a clip description: a woman in a wheelchair, shopping for apples in a grocery store

4:22 While working, he is also able to relax with tea. He types with one hand and uses his prosthetic hand to hold the tea.

4:33 Krista signs a clip description: a man holds a mug with his prosthetic hand and takes a sip, typing on a laptop with his other hand

4:57 Yan signs a clip description: a man holds a mug with his prosthetic hand and takes a sip, typing on a laptop with his other hand

5:18 They were able to find something they both liked. Dad found something interesting on his phone. His son also liked it!

5:29 Krista signs a clip description: father in his home, sitting in a wheelchair, looking at his phone, then his little son runs from behind up to his father, and they both look at something on the phone

5:46 Yan signs a clip description: father in his home, sitting in a wheelchair, looking at his phone, then his little son runs from behind up to his father, and they both look at something on the phone

6:06 She was able to play with her baby after cooking. After she finished cooking, she could safely play with her baby.

6:34 Krista signs a clip description: mother holding baby while stirring a pot on the stove, and getting dishes and silverware ready, then lifting up baby

6:56 Yan signs a clip description: : mother holding baby while stirring a pot on the stove, and getting dishes and silverware ready, then lifting up baby

7:21 With the pottery wheel, they were able to make things. They put clay on the wheel. While the wheel turned around and around, they shaped the clay with their hands.

7:31 Krista signs a clip description: grandfather and young granddaughter working with clay on a pottery wheel

7:49 Yan signs a clip description: grandfather and young granddaughter working with clay on a pottery wheel

8:07 Hurray! They were finally able to watch the new movie! They had to wait and wait for many months. Finally, they could watch the movie together!

8:17 Krista signs a clip description: family (grandmother, two kids, grandfather) sitting at a table, watching something on a laptop – grandmother is in a wheelchair

8:37 Yan signs a clip description: family (grandmother, two kids, grandfather) sitting at a table, watching something on a laptop – grandmother is in a wheelchair

8:54 On a sunny day, he was able to paint outside. A sunny day gives the opportunity to paint outside!

9:05 Krista signs a clip description: a man in a wheelchair, holding a paintbrush in his mouth, helping paint a mural on an outside wall with other people

9:22 Yan signs a clip description: a man in a wheelchair, holding a paintbrush in his mouth, helping paint a mural on an outside wall with other people

9:35 On a windy day, they were able to dance outside. It was windy on their wedding day. They still had a chance to dance outside!

9:46 Krista signs a clip description: man in a wheelchair, wearing a tux, holding hands with his bride, who stands as they twirl in a circle

10:02 Yan signs a clip description: man in a wheelchair, wearing a tux, holding hands with his bride, who stands as they twirl in a circle

10:21 He loves the pool, and ably dives for a ring. He skillfully dives under the water and grabs a ring.

10:39 Krista signs a clip description: a man is in a pool with a child who is sitting on a float; the child dives for a ring, and lifts it up, the man helps the child back up to the surface

11:00 Yan signs a clip description: a man is in a pool with a child who is sitting on a float; the child dives for a ring, and lifts it up, the man helps the child back up to the surface

11:21 When able to find time, they love playing ping-pong! They finished their work. During their free time, they played ping-pong!

11:35 Krista signs a clip description: a woman in a wheelchair and a standing man play ping pong while friends watch

11:55 Yan signs a clip description: a woman in a wheelchair and a standing man play ping pong while friends watch

12:16 Most people are not able to flip, but he can! He can do amazing flips! Most people are not able to flip like that.

12:30 Krista signs a clip description: a young man with one leg leaps off a wall and flips over, landing on one foot

12:45 Yan signs a clip description: a young man with one leg leaps off a wall and flips over, landing on one foot

12:54 Credits ASL Presenters, Voiceovers volunteer, Producer, Editor

AROUND timestamps

0:00 Trix: Welcome - Focus on the word "around"

0:18 She put her arm around her dog.

0:25 Trix signs, introducing her dog and hugging her dog, telling about how it’s cold outside, saying she needs to get wood for the wood stove

0:36 They put their arms around each other.

0:46 Katie sits next to her daughter, introduces her, and puts her arm around her daughter

0:55 Her dog wrapped the scarf around himself!

1:02 Yan signs a clip description: a woman and her dog play in snow; the dog grabs a scarf, runs around in a circle, wraps the scarf around itself

1:17 Katie signs a clip description: a woman and her dog play in snow; the dog grabs a scarf, runs around in a circle, wraps the scarf around itself

1:45  She wrapped a shawl around herself to keep warm.

2:00 Trix signs: she will get a shawl and wrap it around herself to keep warm

2:17 He keeps winding the rope around and around his arm.

2:32  Katie signs a clip description: a man surrounded by trees wraps a rope around his arm

2:46 There is water all around the island.

2:55 Yan signs a clip description: an island with many trees, water all around

3:08 Katie signs a clip description: an island with many trees, water all around

3:24 They are sitting around the table together, chatting.

3:44 Jeff signs a clip description: people sitting around a table, talking and drinking coffee

3:58 Yan signs a clip description: people sitting around a table, talking and drinking coffee

4:06 She is spinning around and around!

4:21 Jeff signs a clip description: a woman spinning on ice skates, with her long hair flying out

4:36 Around and around they go, riding in circles.

4:46 Katie signs a clip description: two very young children, sitting on seats in a turning merry-go-round on a playground

4:56 They drive into the circle, go around, and drive out.

5:09 Yan signs a clip description: cars enter the roundabout, go around, and exit

5:18 The kids keep running around her!

5:33 Katie signs a clip description: a mom tries to work on her laptop as she sits on a couch with her two kids running round and round the couch

5:59 The ants are crawling all around.

6:14 Yan signs a clip description: many ants crawling around on rocks, some carrying tiny rocks

6:23 Katie signs a clip description: many ants crawling around on rocks, some carrying tiny rocks

6:37 The birds are flying all around.

6:44 Katie signs a clip description: many birds by the sea, flying this way and that

6:56 She rode her bike around the corner.

7:07 Yan signs a clip description: a young woman rides a bike around a corner; the bike has a basket with bread in it

7:22  Look how he zigzags the ball around all those cones!

7:35 Jeff signs a clip description: outside, boys stand by as one boy dribbles a soccer ball around cones

8:02 Credits: ASL Presenters, Voiceovers, Producer, Editor

 BOX timestamps

0:00 Intro Trix Bruce signs

0:08 The cat jumps out of the box.

0:17 Trix signs a clip description: a cat jumps out of a box

0:31 The woman is boxing.

0:39 Trix signs a clip description: a woman is boxing

0:48 The man boxes up the product.

0:55 Trix signs a clip description: someone puts something in a box, closes the box, tapes it shut

1:05 The woman checks her mailbox.

1:13 Trix signs a clip description: a woman comes out of the house through the screen door, opens a mailbox with a key, takes out the mail, re-locks the mailbox, goes back inside the house

1:27 Credits: ASL presenter: Trix Bruce, Editors: Alex Wixtrom, Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

BREAK Timestamps

Thumbnail [Title: Break with ASL! Image: Black background, baseball shattering window glass]

0:00 [Video animation image: The word BREAK shatters into pieces. Audio: shattering glass]

0:04 [Video image: baseball shattering glass] The ball broke the window.

0:08 Trix signs a description of a ball shattering a window

0:15 [Image: broken fence] There’s a break in the fence.

0:22 Trix signs a description of a fence with a break in it

0:29 [Video image: Two kids arguing, Mom scolding and separating them] Mother will break up the fight.

0:36 Trix signs a description of kids arguing, with Mom scolding them and separating them

0:47 [Video image: Two boys in white short-sleeve shirts. One boy is holding a partially eaten ice cream cone. The other boy, who is wearing glasses, holds two partially eaten ice cream cones, one in each of his hands] Johnny promised Amy an ice cream cone. He broke his promise.

0:49 [Video image: a sad-looking young girl wearing pink and white sits in a child’s swing, pushing one foot on the ground to move the swing slightly] Johnny promised Amy an ice cream cone. He broke his promise.

0:54 Trix signs a description: Johnny and Amy walking together, Johnny promising her that he will get her some ice cream, Amy waiting with anticipation, Amy seeing Johnny return with no ice cream cone for her, Amy saying, “Where’s mine?” and getting upset. Trix signs “Why? Johnny just ignored Amy. He had promised to give her ice cream. Disappointing!”

1:31 Credits: ASL presenter: Trix Bruce. Editors: Alex Wixtrom, Don Parnell. Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith. Producer: Chris Wixtrom

BUILD timestamps

0:00 Title: BUILD – 6 meanings in ASL!

0:06 Clip: Building blocks make a castle!

0:17 ASL clip description

0:41 Clip: Children build with waffle blocks!

0:51 ASL clip description

1:15 Clip: They are building a sand castle.

1:23 ASL clip description

1:47 Clip: Building a snowman is fun!

2:05 ASL clip description

2:40 Clip: The bird built its nest.

2:51 ASL clip description

3:15 Clip: Workers are building a building.

3:26 ASL clip description

3:51 Credits: ASL presenter: Wadha, Voice-overs: Heather Ruth, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

CAN Timestamps

0:00 Intro by ASL presenter, Rachel

0:50 These children can balance well.

1:00 ASL clip description

1:31 Only bicycle riders can use this path. It’s reserved for bikes.

1:41 ASL clip description

2:14 These are jars of canned food.

2:21 ASL description with sentence: Canned food lasts a long time.

3:27 She is using a watering can to water the plant.

3:35 ASL description with sentence: Use a watering can to water plants.

4:04 People can’t use this broken escalator. They’re not allowed to use it.

4:14 ASL description

4:56 Credits: ASL presenter: Rachel, Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

 CLIMB Timestamps

0:00 Ashley signs intro to “8 meanings of CLIMB with ASL!”

1:40 Little by little, this bear is climbing a tree.

2:03 Ashley signs a clip description: a bear climbs a tree trunk, bites off small branches

2:22 With his dad nearby, the boy climbs the ladder.

3:00 Suzy signs a clip description: a boy is with his dad at a playground, the boy climbs a metal ladder

3:20 Slowly, they climbed the stairs to the airplane.

3:28 Sandro signs a clip description: people climbing steps to go into an airplane

3:36 With a pack on her back, she’s climbing the mountain.

3:42 Suzy signs a clip description: a woman with a backpack, climbing a mountain

4:00 Laughing, the kids climbed onto their dad’s back.

4:18 Sandro signs a clip description: girls climb on their dad’s back, laughing

4:29 Over many years, the vines have been climbing the walls.

4:41 Ashley signs a clip description: colorful ivy all over the walls, lots of plants nearby

5:04 As we watch, the moon climbs into the night sky.

5:17 Ashley signs a video clip description: look through tree branches; a moon moves up across the sky

5:32 These tall trees seem to climb to the sky!

5:45 Ashley signs a clip description: huge, extremely tall trees

6:04 Credits : ASL Presenters: Ashley Russ, Suzy Stewart, Sandro Hatibovic, Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith, Patrice Ezell, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

CLOSE Timestamps

0:00 Suzy introduces this video about the word CLOSE.

0:30 The racer in the back closes in on the front one!

0:36 Sandro signs a description of the clip.

0:44 She opened the closed door to let them in.

0:55 Rachel signs a description of the clip.

1:32 She opened the closed book to read it.

1:40 Suzy signs a description of the clip.

1:56 The cat opens and closes its eyes.

2:08 Suzy signs a description of the clip.

2:31 The road is closed.

2:40 Suzy signs a description of the clip.

3:03 She turned the sign, showing that the store is now closed.

3:35 Credits: ASL presenters: Sandro Hatibovic, Suzy Stewart, Rachel. Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith. Editor: Don Parnell. Producer: Chris Wixtrom

COAT Timestamps

0:00 Trix signs intro, explaining that the word COAT has many different meanings

0:27 It is cold. The twins have on their heavy coats.

0:36 Trix signs a scene description

0:47 This paint is flaky.

0:52 This paint is peeling.

0:57 The house needs a new coat of paint.

1:10 Trix signs a description of a house with flaky and peeling paint, saying that the house needs to be repainted.

1:27 The bridge is coated with ice.

1:44 Trix signs a scene description.

1:57 Charlie’s coat is soft and furry.

2:08 Trix signs a scene description.

2:26 They are wearing lab coats.

2:37 Trix signs a scene description.

2:56 The candies are coated with chocolate.

3:08 Trix signs a scene description.

3:36 Credits: ASL presenter: Trix Bruce, Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

CUT Timestamps

Timestamps - Meanings of CUT with ASL

0:00 Using ASL, Trix Bruce introduces the video topic: The word CUT

0:13 He cut the wood with a circular saw.

0:18 Trix describes the clip in ASL

0:41 She cut the yellow pepper with a knife.

0:50 Trix describes the clip in ASL

1:01 She is getting a haircut.

1:13 Trix describes the clip in ASL

1:27 The lawn mower is cutting the grass.

1:37 Trix describes the clip in ASL

1:48 This button can turn on or cut the electrical power.

1:55 Trix describes the clip in ASL

2:04 The cut of the diamond makes it sparkle.

2:11 Trix describes the clip in ASL

2:32 Credits – Deaf ASL presenter: Trix Bruce; Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith; Editor: Don Parnell; Producer: Chris Wixtrom

DOWN timestamps

ASL shows different meanings of “down


0:00 Intro to video: ASL shows meanings of “down” – Deaf ASL presenter Katie describes how learning different meanings of “down” in different sentences helps with reading comprehension.

0:33 Sentence: It’s a countdown. Clip: a hand shows 5,4,3,2,1,0

0:38 Katie signs a clip description.

0:51 Sentence: He’s going down the tree trunk. Clip: a small boy with a coconut moves down a palm tree trunk

1:00 Yan signs a clip description.

1:12 Sentence: They are writing down words. Clip: a father writes a word for his young son, then asks the boy to write

1:32 Katie signs a clip description.

1:56 Sentence: The students hurried to sit down. Clip: many students are running around - a school bell rings, the teacher comes into the room, and the laughing students rush to sit down at their desks

2:07 Yan signs a clip description.

2:18 Sentences: The car broke down. He feels down. Clip: a man sits on the ground near a car with its hood up at the side of the road – steam is coming up from the engine – the upset man has his head in his hand

2:29 Katie signs a clip description

2:42 Sentence: It’s sundown. Clip: a lone tree is silhouetted against a lightly clouded colorful pink and orange sky, with the sun slowly sinking toward the horizon

2:53 Yan signs a clip description.

3:13 Sentence: Water is running down the drain. Clip: water is running into a sink drain

3:28 Katie signs a clip description.

3:43 Sentence: A cheetah lies down in the shade. Clip: a slowly walking cheetah lies down in a dry, scrubby, shady area

3:48 Nicole signs a clip description.

3:56 Sentence: The child knocked down the blocks. Clip: a crawling child reaches out to touch a tall stack of colorful cardboard blocks, which fall

4:10 Katie signs a clip description.

4:23 Sentence: The wind knocked the trees down. Clip: a scene of many uprooted, downed trees is seen from a moving car

4:30 Nicole signs a clip description.

4:40 Credits – Deaf ASL Presenters: Katie, Yan Zheng, Nicole Greene; Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith; Editor: Don Parnell; Producer: Chris Wixtrom

DROP Timestamps

0:00 Introduction to the word “drop” by Yan Zheng

0:24 Clip: Oops! The bowl dropped.

0:34 Yan describes the clip in ASL

0:48 Clip: Raindrops covered the window.

0:54 Yan describes the clip in ASL

1:00 Clip: Drops of rain are falling.

1:08 Yan describes the clip in ASL

1:14 Clip: Sad teardrops are falling.

1:20 Yan describes the clip in ASL

1:35 Clip: Drop by drop, water drips down.

1:43 Yan describes the clip in ASL

1:53 Clip: Dewdrops dot the flower.

2:00 Yan describes the clip in ASL

2:24 Credits: ASL presenter: Yan Zheng, Voice-overs: 11Eleven Labs, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

Read with ASL YouTube channel

 DRY Timestamps

0:00 Intro for DRY – Trix Bruce signs

0:20 She washed the dog, then dried her with a towel.

0:24 Trix tells about washing a dog: dogs get dirty, we put a dog in a shower, scrub the dog, finish, take the dog out, Dogs do what? - shake-to-dry-off - then we grab a towel and dry the dog's body, dry the dog's head

0:50 Deserts are dry, so most plants can’t grow.

0:56 Trix signs clip description: desert, bare landscape (nothing growing there), no trees, no flowers, nothing growing (“completely bare” "bone dry")

1:09 Dried fruit tastes delicious!

1:15 Trix tells about dried fruit: Know about dried fruit? put pieces of fruit out, sun warms the fruit, the fruit dries and shrinks as the sun dries it, ready to eat, eat the dried fruit, Delicious!

1:33 The wind and sun are drying the sheets.

1:38 Trix signs clip description: bed sheets, clip to clothesline, soft wind/breeze dries the sheets

1:50 She’s watering the dry plants.

1:57 Trix signs clip description and adds details: flower in a pot, woman comes to water flower, pours water in flower pot, flower takes in water and stands up strong, ... (but) no water at all? flower droop and dies

2:16 Spot is thirsty! Why? His mouth is dry.

2:22 Trix signs descriptive story about a thirsty dog: dog is thirsty, goes to water bowl, laps up (drinks) water (from bowl)

2:33 Credits: ASL presenter: Trix Bruce, Voiceovers (various), Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

 FACE Timestamps: 10 faces of ASL!

0:00 Intro: Deaf ASL presenter Trix Bruce

0:23 This woman is facing the camera.

0:29 Trix signs clip description: girl sets up camera stand, films herself

0:43 Everyone has a smiling face!

0:48 Trix signs clip description: people, faces shown on screen in rows, viewers at keyboard, looking at faces on screen, many different people, all smiling

1:05 They are all facing each other.

1:14 Trix signs clip description: a little girl stands with her teacher, both facing the students (looking toward the students) to tell them something, students face them to watch and listen

1:29 She faces the board, then the students.

1:44 Trix signs clip description: teacher writes on board in front of class, turns her head and looks toward class to explain something, turns to board and writes, turns back to class to talk

1:56 The hands revolve around the clock face.

2:05 Trix signs clip description: clock on wall, numbers around the circle, clock hands moving round and round, that

2:18 They are standing face to face.

2:26 Trix signs clip description: basketball players stand looking at each other

2:37 He is wearing a face mask.

2:45 Trix signs clip description: medical professional wears a face mask, required, Why?, don't want something to happen, (something negative is in the air, don't want it to get into anyone's mouth), must wear mask, something negative can't get through mask

3:01 Clouds reflect on the building face.

3:08 Trix signs clip description: tall building, front is all windows; clouds in the sky; clouds reflect on building's many windows, scene-on-front-of-building and scene-of-clouds-in-sky match/look the same/mirror each other

3:29 These houses face the water.

3:40 Trix signs clip description: houses lined up in a row, water is in front of the houses, (people can) look from the houses toward the water, the water is moving softly ("rippling")

3:56 She is making funny faces!

4:07 Trix signs clip description: a person is making faces/showing different facial expressions: dramatic faces, funny faces, silly faces, goofy faces

4:35 Credits

 FALL (“Signs of FALL”) Timestamps

0:00 Intro signed by Trix Bruce, Deaf storyteller

0:12 A year has four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall.

0:18 Trix signs, explaining that there are four seasons, one following another, year after year

0:36 Beautiful leaves fall softly to the ground.

0:42 Trix signs, describing colorful leaves falling from trees to the ground

1:02 In the snowfall, snowflakes dance.

1:13 Trix signs, describing snow falling, with snowflakes drifting to the ground

1:31 Falling water flows over the rocks.

1:39 Trix signs, describing seeing a beautiful waterfall, with water flowing down over rocks

1:53 Oops! The woman fell!

2:02 Trix signs, describing a woman in a bowling alley picking up a bowling ball and then falling down

2:17 Credits:

ASL Presenter: Trix Bruce, Voice-overs: Jennifer Alford and Lynne D. Smith, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

 FLIP timestamps

0:00 Intro Sandro signs

0:14 The kayaker flipped over, then rolled back upright!

0:26 Sandro signs a clip description: kayaker flips over

0:34 As the girl watched, her mom flipped the crepe.

0:52 Suzy signs a clip description: mom flips a crepe in a pan over the stove, girl watches

1:12 After he flipped the coin, one person was happy!

1:18 Jeff signs a clip description: teen boy flips a coin, other boys react

1:41 She flipped through the pages, back and forth.

1:49 Sandro signs a clip description: girl flips through book pages

1:56 The switch was off, and then someone flipped it on.

2:07 Sandro signs a clip description: switch moves from on to off

2:12 She turned her head back and forth, flipping her hair.

2:20 Nicole signs a clip description: a girl flips her hair

2:29 On the trampolines, she did one flip after another!

2:38 Sandro signs a clip description: a girl does trampoline flips

2:45 While dad was flipping through the channels, the girl grabbed the remote!

2:55 Sandro signs a clip description: family on a couch looks at TV, dad flips channels, girl grabs remote

3:04 After doing a flip, the skier continued skiing.

3:18 Sandro signs a clip description: water skier flips over, continues skiing 

3:27 Her flip phone rang, so she flipped it open to talk.

3:37 Nicole signs a clip description: woman opens flip phone, talks

3:46 Credits

ASL presenters: Sandro Hatibovic, Suzy Stewart, Jeff Padon, Nicole Greene, Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith, Heather Ruth, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

FLY Timestamps

FLY with ASL!

0:00 Intro to FLY with ASL! (Deaf ASL presenters: Suzy Stewart)

0:30 He’s flying on his snowboard!

0:38 Deaf ASL presenter, Suzy, describes the video clip scene of someone on a snowboard

1:02 He is flying the drone, controlling where it goes.

1:13 Deaf ASL presenter, Nicole, describes the video clip scene of someone flying a drone

1:23 He is flying a kite.

1:32 Deaf ASL presenter, Sandro, describes the video clip scene of someone flying a kite

1:40 Flags are flying in the wind.

1:48 Deaf ASL presenter, Suzy, describes the video clip scene of many flags flying in the wind

2:12 Running, they flew across the field!

2:22 Deaf ASL presenter, Nicole, describes the video clip scene of two kids running in a field

2:30 The butterfly flew away.

2:36 Deaf ASL presenter, Sandro, describes the video clip scene of a butterfly taking off from a flower and flying away

2:44 She feels like she can fly!

2:55 Deaf ASL presenter, Nicole, describes the video clip scene of a father lifting his little daughter up while she waves her arms and pretends to fly

3:05 The fly is on the window, rubbing its legs together.

3:14 Deaf ASL presenter, Sandro, describes the video clip scene of a fly rubbing its legs together

3:22 Credits: Deaf ASL presenters: Suzy Stewart, Sandro Hatibovic, Nicole Greene; Voice-overs: Robbie Crockett, Patrice Ezell; Editor: Don Parnell; Producer: Chris Wixtrom

The Read with ASL YouTube channel is sponsored by the 100% volunteer NPO ASL Access.

GET Timestamps

0:00 Intro Sandro introduces the video topic: The word GET

0:20 Both dogs are trying to get the ring.

0:32 Sandro describes the clip in ASL

0:40 He is getting out of bed.

0:55 Sandro describes the clip in ASL

1:01 They’re getting into the car.

1:10 Sandro describes the clip in ASL

1:18 It got stuck in the mud.

1:28 Sandro describes the clip in ASL

1:38 It’s getting dark.

1:51 Sandro describes the clip in ASL

2:01 The ducks got across the road.

2:14 Sandro describes the clip in ASL

2:23 Her mom helps her. Then she gets it!

2:43 Sandro describes the clip in ASL

2:53 Walking in the water, he got a rock.

3:02 Sandro describes the clip in ASL

3:11 Credits: ASL presenter: Sandro Hatibovic Voiceovers: ElevenLabs Editor: Don Parnell Producer: Chris Wixtrom

 GIVE Timestamps

0:00 Intro to Meanings of GIVE in ASL – Ashley signs

0:25 They gave each other a big hug!

0:35 Ashley signs scene description: adult sees child, child comes over, they-hug-each-other-happily

0:53 Mom gave her a choice.

1:03 Luul signs scene description: Story about choosing clothes, Mom brings two dresses, one red, one white-with-a-flower-pattern, Mom holds them both up in front of her daughter to let her daughter choose, Mom holds-both-dresses-up to ask her-daughter which-one she-likes-best, the girl looks-back-and-forth-between-the-dresses, she thinks, she chooses the red dress, Mom smiles as if to say, “Oh, you like this red one?” and the girl nods “Yes”

1:50 He is giving instructions.

1:56 Jeff signs scene description: two men stand next to each other, one wearing a white hat, one wearing a yellow hat, one gives instructions, discussing something on the clipboard, one man points at something in the area, the two men continue discussing until they are both clear about how everything will be done correctly

2:12 Don’t give up! Keep trying!

2:25 Sandro signs scene description: a dad and his son are doing pushups, the son gets worn out and stops, feeling frustrated, the boy watches his dad continue doing pushups, then the dad gets tired and stops, and they look at each other

2:42 Someone is giving the baby a bath.

2:53 Ashley tells about the upcoming scene: This video shows someone giving a baby a bath. Ashley describes the clip: The bathtub is bright yellow and the water is warm. An adult is giving the baby a bath, gently rinsing the baby with water, and the baby is enjoying the bath

3:27 The toddler gives her the ball.

3:35 Ashley signs scene description: a young child has a red-and-white patterned ball, the child holds the ball, toddles (walks awkwardly) toward a sitting woman; the woman smiles, the child gives-her-the-ball

4:33 Credits: ASL Presenters: Ashley Russ, Luul Del, Jeff Padon, Sandro Hatibovic, Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

 HAND timestamps

0:00 Intro: Sign HAND 10 ways! ASL: Trix Bruce

0:17 Starting with a handstand, he walks on his hands.

0:26 ASL clip description: boy turns himself upside down to walk on his hands

0:36 Smiling, she dusts off her hands.

0:45 ASL clip description: a baker wearing a baker’s hat and apron stands at a counter; the baker kneads the dough, the baker dusts the F-L-O-U-R off of her hands (“dusts off her hands”)

1:02 One climber gives a hand to another, helping him up.

1:11 ASL clip description: on the steep hill, one person is waiting, another is climbing, the first person reaches out to help the second person up, then they both walk away together

1:25 The clock hands move, showing the time.

1:35 ASL clip description: clock is on the wall, clock hands move, rotating around, the moving parts are called “hands”

1:49 Here’s a handful of strawberries, ready to eat!

1:58 ASL clip description with additional details: There are many different signs people use for “strawberries” (signs examples), anyway, with two hands together, someone scoops up many red strawberries - this is a “handful” of strawberries - you can take a bite, So delicious! Want some? (gestures)

2:24 She smiles up at him, and they hold hands.

2:33 ASL clip description and details: Another meaning of the word “hand” – a man and a little girl are walking along together; they stop and look at each other, smile, “hold hands” and continue to “hold hands” as they walk along

2:53 She’s looking and her hand of cards, thinking.

3:06 ASL clip description and details: Another meaning of H-A-N-D: playing cards, deal out cards to play, hold your own cards in your hands, give a card, take a card (this is your “hand” of cards)

3:18 Someone handed him a plate of food.

3:26 ASL clip description and additional details: the food is piled on the plate, when you give the plate to someone else, that’s called “handing” it to them

3:38 He’s climbing the rope, hand over hand.

3:48 ASL clip description: there’s a long rope hanging vertically, a man grabs the rope with one hand above the other, pulling himself up the rope (moving up and up), gripping the rope hand-over-hand

4:07 Holding the bowl, he paints it by hand.

4:18 ASL clip description: that bowl is made of clay; someone is hand painting intricate decorations on it

4:42 Credits: ASL presenter: Trix Bruce, Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

 HOLD timestamps

0:00 Trix: Welcome - Focus on the word "hold"

0:29 He goes up, holds his board, then goes down.

0:42 Nicole signs a clip description

0:52 Holding onto the ropes, she swings.

1:05 Trix signs a clip description

1:32 Dad holds his baby closely.

1:43 Jeff signs a clip description

1:54 She carefully holds the kitten and gives it a kiss!

2:02 Trix signs a clip description

2:26 They are both holding on to the same chip!

2:36 Trix signs a clip description

2:50 The bag holds a lot of groceries.

2:56 Katie signs a clip description

3:08 Trix signs a clip description

3:22 She is holding a box. The box holds many strawberries.

3:32 Trix signs a clip description

3:59 Yan signs a clip description

4:06 He taught her how to hold the paddle and hit the ball.

4:14 Trix signs a clip description

4:42 She holds bird food in her hand.

4:52 Jeff signs a clip description

5:08 Yan signs a clip description

5:21 Trix signs a clip description

5:37 She is holding the dog, scratching and petting him. He’s calm.

5:46 Katie signs a clip description

6:02 They are holding hands, going round and round.

6:13 Katie signs a clip description

6:22 Yan signs a clip description

6:37 Trix signs a clip description

6:53 Climbing, he holds on, lets go, and holds on again.

7:03 Yan signs a clip description

7:17 Trix signs a clip description

7:36 Nicole signs a clip description

7:42 He held on to water ski. Oops! He let go!

7:53 Jeff signs a clip description

8:05 Trix signs a clip description

8:37 Hold on! Don’t let go!

8:44 Katie signs a clip description

9:10 Credits: ASL Presenters, Voiceovers, Producer, Editor

Timestamps LIFT

0:00 Intro by Sandro: Lift has many meanings

0:11 Space shuttle clip

0:15 Sandro’s clip description

0:22 Hot air balloons clip

0:28 Sandro’s clip description

0:34 Forklift clip

0:41 Sandro’s clip description

0:49 Weights clip

1:00 Sandro’s clip description

1:09 The parents lifted their child up high!

1:14 Sandro’s clip description

1:24 Elevator clip

1:30 Sandro’s clip description

1:38 Credits:

ASL presenter: Sandro Hatibovic

Voice-overs by ElevenLabs

Editor: Don Parnell

Producer: Chris Wixtrom

LIGHT timestamps

0:00 Intro signed by Yan

0:40 Clip: Heavy traffic moves slowly.

0:51 ASL Yan: Heavy traffic moves slowly.

1:06 Clip: In light traffic, cars move quickly.

1:14 ASL Yan: In light traffic, cars move quickly.

1:24 ASL Trix: Heavy traffic moves slowly. In light traffic, cars move quickly.

1:54 Clip: Light snow falls softly.

2:03 ASL Nicole: Light snow falls softly.

2:09 Clip: Heavy snow is coming down fast!

2:18 ASL Jeff: Heavy snow is coming down fast!

2:29 Clip: She likes skipping in the light rain!

2:41 Clip: She likes jumping up and down in the heavy rain!

2:50 ASL Trix: A little girl wanted to go outside. She saw it was lightly raining.

  She got an umbrella and went out walking. Then the rain got heavier and heavier!

3:43 Clip: The scarf flutters softly in the light wind.

3:52 ASL Nicole: The scarf flutters softly in the light wind.

4:00 Clip: In the heavy wind, the scarf flutters wildly!

4:08 ASL Nicole: In the heavy wind, the scarf flutters wildly!

4:16 Clip: In the dark storm, lightning flashes!

4:28 ASL Yan: In the dark storm, lightning flashes!

4:38 Clip: The couch is heavy. The light pillows and table are easy to pick up!

4:45 ASL Jeff: The couch is heavy. The light pillows and table are easy to pick up!

4:58 Clip: At sunrise, sunlight shines brightly.

5:07 ASL Yan: The forest and mountains light up as the sun rises.

5:21 ASL Krista: The morning sun comes up and shines down on me.

5:30 ASL Nicole: In the morning, sunlight slowly lights the forest.

5:42 Clip: Moonlight reflects on the water.

5:49 ASL Yan: At the mountain lake, moonlight reflected on the water.

6:01 ASL Krista: In the dark, moonlight sparkled on the water.

6:10 ASL Nicole: The full moon’s light is reflecting on the rippling water.

6:23 Clip: Suddenly, the car headlights went on! Then they turned off.

6:33 ASL Jeff: The car’s headlights came on powerfully, then shut off.

6:46 ASL Krista: In the darkness, the car’s headlights turned on, then off.

6:57 Clip: By candlelight, he wrote with a feather pen.

7:05 ASL Krista: The candlelight from the candles on the table glowed.

7:16 Clip: Suddenly, the lamp came on and lit the desk.

7:23 ASL Krista: A boy was playing with toys. Then a lamp lit the table.

7:34 Clip: Sitting in the firelight’s glow, she held her dog.

7:42 ASL Krista: Sitting near the fireplace, a woman held her dog. Firelight glowed.

7:55 Chris Wixtrom: “Bye!”

7:57 Credits: ASL Presenters, Voiceovers, Producer, Editor

 LINE Timestamps

0:00 Intro signed by Luul Del

0:31 On the slackline, he keeps his balance.

0:45 Ashley signs clip description: young man dressed in blue bounces up onto slackline, works hard to keep his balance on slackline, walks to end successfully

1:04 People are drawing lines.

1:13 Trix signs clip description: sand is scattered on a light box, persons draw, using a finger to make lines in sand

1:34 She’s slowly walking on the baseline.

1:49 Nicole signs clip description: woman holds tennis racket and ball, walks along straight white line

1:59 People are standing in line, waiting.

2:19 People are standing in a long line, waiting.

2:54 They’re skateboarding along a line in the road.

3:04 Jeff signs clip description: two boys in front, one girl behind, skateboarding (along a road line)

3:14 Toys are lined up under the back car window.

3:25 Yan signs clip description: inside the back window of the car, there are seven dog toys in a straight row (in a line

3:43 He crossed the finish line first! He’s the winner!

3:58 Luul signs clip description: two men and two women running together, then older man runs ahead, crosses finish line first, he's happy he won

4:39 Plan which way you’ll travel on the subway lines.

4:46 Nicole signs clip description: a subway map, with different colors, shows different directions, shows where you're going

4:59 They’re looking at something interesting online.

5:08 Ashley signs a clip description: a smiling man sits with happy children; using a laptop, they are looking online together

5:27 Birds are flying near the shoreline.

5:39 Luul signs a clip description: many, many birds, watch water movement, and same movement of birds flying together

5:59 A robotic arm is moving things on assembly lines.

6:12 Nicole signs clip description: machine arm lifts items from one line, moves items to another line

6:23 I drove down a beautiful tree-lined street.

6:30 Luul signs a clip description: cars driving down a street that has trees lined up on both sides, all the trees have white trunks, you can look out windows on both sides, enjoy driving on tree-lined street

7:03 Credits: ASL presenters: Luul Del, Ashley Russ, Nicole Greene, Trix Bruce, Jeff Padon, Yan Zheng, Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith, Robbi Crockett, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

 MAKE timestamps (ASL makes sense!)

0:00 Intro: Sandro signs. Focus word: MAKE

0:17 They are having fun making a big mess!

0:28 Sandro signs a clip description: kids take paper strips out of box, toss them

0:38 He is making his robot move.

0:51 Sandro signs a clip description: boy controls robot

0:58 They are making a salad for dinner.

1:10 Sandro signs a clip description: mom, daughter put food items in bowl

1:19 She is carefully making something with clay.

1:28 Sandro signs a clip description: girl works with clay

1:34 Friends make each other laugh!

1:48 Sandro signs a clip description: kids with locked arms fall and laugh

1:56 I can fold paper to make animals and shapes.

2:07 Sandro signs a clip description: child folds paper, origami shapes on table

2:17 Adding numbers together makes a sum.

2:33 Sandro signs a clip description: girl by window slides beads on abacus, adds them together

2:41 She made the bed.

2:52 Sandro signs a clip description: girl straightens bed linens, pillow

2:58 The magnifying glass made the flower look bigger!

3:08 Sandro signs a clip description: boy looks a flower with magnifying glass

3:15 She made it to the top! Success!

3:31 Sandro signs a clip description: girl climbs tilted ladder to the top

3:36 Credits: ASL presenter: Sandro Hatibovic. Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith. Editor: Don Parnell. Producer: Chris Wixtrom


ASL moves! Multiple meanings of move


0:00 Intro by Lauren. Voice-over: “Hi! I’m Lauren and this is my name sign. I am Deaf. Today we are talking about the word MOVE. (M-O-V-E) You’ll see the different meanings of this word, MOVE, and that will help with reading. Thank you and enjoy!”

0:30 The wipers moved snow off the windshield. (clip)

0:42 Lauren signs. Voice-over: “White snow came down, and now, we can’t see through the window. We use the windshield wipers to move the snow, so now, we can see to drive the car.”

0:54 On the moving train, the baby sits still. (clip)

1:02 Ashley signs. Voice-over: “The train is moving. On the side of the train, there is a large window. We see a mother standing at the window with her arm around a small boy. They watch through the window as the scenery moves past. They enjoy seeing the snowy landscape dotted with houses.”

1:39 They’re moving boxes into their new home. (clip)

1:49 Lauren signs. Voice-over: “The people are coming into the house and stacking up boxes. They are moving a lot of boxes.”

2:06 Her hands are moving as she signs. It’s not American Sign Language. Which sign language is it? (clip)

2:30 Lauren signs. Voice-over: “The young girl has green clothes and a pink headscarf. She is signing. Her movements are signs, but they’re not American Sign Language.”

2:44 He’s explaining how the knight moves. (clip)

3:03 Katie signs. Voice-over: “Dad is describing how to play chess. He’s showing the different ways the knight can move across the board. His daughter understands, so Dad goes ahead and makes his move. Then, it is her turn.”

3:29 She’s thinking about chess moves. (clip)

3:53 Katie signs. Voice-over: “The girl is sitting and pondering the pieces on the chessboard. She is analyzing which option would be her best move. Then she sees it! Her perfect next move.”

4:31 She’s happy, moved by the card. (clip)

4:44 Ashley signs. Voice-over: “The mom is sitting beside her daughter on the couch. When the daughter gives her mom a card, the mom feels deeply moved. Mom looks the girl in the eyes, smiles, thanks her, and gives her a hug and a kiss.”

5:11 Credits. Deaf ASL Presenters: Lauren Schiller, Ashley Russ, Katie. Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith. Editor: Don Parnell. Producer: Chris Wixtrom.


0:00 Luul Del: Welcome - Focus on the word "On"

0:46 She’s putting on her hat, jacket and backpack.

1:09 Yan signs a clip description

1:29 They’re getting on the school bus.

1:47 Luul signs a clip description

2:14 She’s having fun riding on the train!

2:23 Yan signs a clip description

2:35 They’re sailing on the sea.      

2:47 Luul signs a clip description 

3:13 They’re on their phones.

3:24 Luul signs a clip description

3:49 They’re watching a show on TV.

3:57 Luul signs a clip description

4:16 He’s working on his laptop.    

4:27 Luul signs a clip description

4:50 She’s writing on the board.

5:11 Yan signs a clip description

5:27 They’re hanging a picture on the wall.

5:40 Luul signs a clip description

6:18 She’s spreading butter on the bread.

6:29 Luul signs a clip description

6:49 She’s sitting on a tree branch with an owl.

6:59 Yan signs a clip description

7:12 Credits: ASL Presenters, Voiceovers, Producer, Editor

ONE (one with ASL) (Will publish 1.29.24)

ONE with ASL Timestamps

0:00 Introduction by Suzy Stewart

0:27 Clip with sentence:  They’re playing basketball one on one.

0:38 ASL description of clip: basketball

0:49 Clip with sentence: The crew rowed as one.

1:00 ASL description of clip: crew rowing

1:26 Clip with sentence: One by one the bowling balls roll out.

1:33 ASL description of clip: bowling balls

1:47 Clip with sentence: The ducklings are following their mother, one after another.

1:58 ASL description of clip: ducklings

2:25 Clip with sentence: One of the cat’s eyes is blue. The other one is not.

2:35 ASL description of clip: cat

2:52 Clip with sentence: We put socks on one at a time.

3:03 ASL description of clip: socks

3:26 Clip with sentence: There was no one in the rocking chair.

3:37 ASL description of clip: rocking chair

3:54 Credits:

ASL Presenters: Suzy Stewart, Laurn Schiller, Rachel

Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith

Editor: Don Parnell

Producer: Chris Wixtrom

 OPEN Timestamps (ASL opens the world!)

0:00 Intro Nicole signs Focus word: OPEN

0:23 Blooming flowers open their petals to show their colors.

0:33 Nicole signs

0:41 She opens her arms wide to give a big hug!

0:50 Nicole signs

0:58 Baby birds open their beaks wide to get food.

1:08 Nicole signs

1:16 He opened his mouth to feel the wind from the open window!

1:27 Nicole signs

1:40 To fly, the butterfly opens its wings.

1:57 Nicole signs

2:08 She opened her laptop to start working.

2:20 Nicole signs

2:29 They opened the book to read it.

2:39 Nicole signs

2:50 He is opening the box to look inside.

3:03 Nicole signs

3:11 To open the can, she pulled the tab.

3:16 Nicole signs

3:22 The baby stretches, opens her eyes, then falls back to sleep.

3:40 Nicole signs

3:56 They went up the steps and opened the door to go inside.

4:14 Nicole signs

4:27 The gate is opening to a beautiful garden!

4:38 Nicole signs

4:45 Credits

 OUT Timestamps

0:00 Intro – Sandro signs

0:12 The horse is looking out. Does he see the cat?

0:20 Sandro signs clip description: horse looks out of stall

0:28 This dog loves putting his head out the car window!

0:35 Yan signs clip description: dog’s head out car window, dog moves back into car

0:48 The car is stuck in the snow. He’s digging it out.

0:56 Suzy signs clip description: snowing, snowing, car in deep snow, stuck, man shovels snow

1:14 The snake stuck out its forked tongue again and again.

1:25 Sandro signs clip description: snake flicks out forked tongue, again and again

1:31 She tries several times before blowing the candle out.

1:40 Yan signs clip description: girl blows on candle flame over and over to blow it out

1:52 The chick just hatched out of the egg.

2:01 Suzy signs clip description: egg, broken, chick hatched out

2:17 Slowly, the turtle pokes out his head. Suddenly, he retracts it! Then he sticks it out again.

2:32 Yan signs clip description: turtle moves head in and out of shell

2:43 She opened the oven door to take the food out.

2:54 Sandro signs clip description: woman takes food out of oven

3:00 She’s helping the child get out of the pool.

3:11 Sandro signs clip description: woman helps child get out of pool

3:18 Suddenly, a dog came running out of the tunnel!

3:28 Yan signs clip description: dog runs out of tunnel

3:47 Credits: ASL Presenters: Sandro Hatibovic, Suzy Stewart, Yan Zheng, Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

OVER timestamps

0:00 INTRO by Luul Del: Focus on meanings of the word OVER

0:39 The cat jumped over the flowers.

0:55 Luul describes the video clip

1:16 She is carrying her dog over her shoulder.

1:32 Luul describes the video clip

2:06 The baby fell over!

2:18 Luul describes the video clip

2:47 School’s over!

3:02 Luul describes the video clip

3:27 They put a blanket over their legs.

3:38 Luul describes the video clip

3:58 She turned the cake over.

4:09 Luul describes the video clip

4:43 A plane is flying overhead.

4:52 Luul describes the video clip.

5:15 Water is rushing over the falls!

5:25 Luul describes the video clip.

5:48 The moon is rising over the mountains.

6:03 Luul describes the video clip.

6:35 Credits: ASL Presenter: Luul Del. Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith. Editor: DonParnell. Producer: Chris Wixtrom

PAINT timestamps

0:00 Trix introduces herself and the video topic: The word PAINT has many forms and meanings.

0:31 Pour the paint into a tray.

0:47 You can use a roller to paint a wall.

0:57 You can spray paint a car to change the color.

1:09 Trix describes the clips in ASL: You can paint with a roller. You can spray paint.

1:51 With paintbrushes, they’re painting on the window.

2:07 Trix describes the clip in ASL.

2:25 Painters paint paintings to sell. A buyer hangs a painting.

2:40 Trix describes the clip in ASL.

3:07 She paints because she enjoys it. She painted this.

3:17 Trix describes the clip in ASL.

3:42 Credits: Deaf ASL Presenter: Trix Bruce, Voice-overs: Jennifer Alford, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

PARK Timestamps

0:00 Intro by Suzy Stewart: The word PARK has many meanings, depending on context.

0:28 Many cars park in the parking lot.

0:35 Suzy describes a parking lot (ASL)

0:53 The car is parking.

1:10 Suzy describes a car parking (ASL)

1:39 The bike is parked next to a tree.

1:50 Rachel describes parking a bike next to a tree (ASL)

2:07 They are playing baseball in the ballpark.

2:17 Rachel describes a baseball game at a ballpark (ASL)

2:37 People relax and have fun in the park.

2:46 Rachel describes a public park (ASL)

3:25 Credits:

ASL presenters: Suzy Stewart, Rachel

Voiceovers: ElevenLabs

Editor: Don Parnell

Producer: Chris Wixtrom

PULL timestamps

0:00 It’s fun when Mom pulls me on my sled!

0:09 Trix Bruce, Deaf storyteller, signs a description of the clip with the child on the sled

0:27 The kids are pulling together.

0:35 Trix signs a description of the clip with the kids pulling on the rope

0:47 The boy and the fish both pulled hard!

0:59 Trix signs a description of the clip with the boy fishing

1:13 The man wants the horses to pull fast.

1:22 Trix signs a description of the clip with the horses pulling a sled

1:39 How many pull ups did you see?

1:55 Trix comments on the muscles of the man in the clip who is doing pull ups

RIDE timestamps (publication: 2.6.23)


[Title: ASL rides! Image: Signing woman with long, wavy blond hair, wearing a maroon t-shirt. Insert: Image of wakesurfer]

0:00 Intro: Deaf ASL presenter, Katie, introduces the “ASL rides!” video, letting viewers know that they will see various meanings of the word RIDE pictured in the clips, with sentences on screen. She says that translating between what is read in English and what is signed in American Sign Language helps build contextual connections. Note: For ASL voice-over transcripts, click the “Show transcript” button found under the YouTube video

0:26 He is learning to ride a bike.

0:37 Katie signs a description of the video clip.

0:51 He is carrying his bike, not riding it.

1:00 Katie signs a description of the video clip.

1:13 They are riding horses on the beach.

1:24 Katie signs a description of the video clip.

1:38 The man is riding back and forth on the waves.

1:49 Katie signs a description of the clip.

2:07 A ladybug is riding on the snail’s shell.

2:22 Katie signs a description of the clip.

2:39 A bird is riding on the boy’s back.

2:50 Katie signs a description of the clip.

3:03 They ride along in the backseat of a car.

3:13 Katie signs a description of the clip.

3:26 The boy rides in a box, pretending he’s driving a car!

3:37 Katie signs a description of the clip.

3:56 Credits: Deaf ASL presenter: Katie, Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer, Chris Wixtrom

ROLL Timestamps (ASL rolls!)

0:00 Intro Katie signs Focus word: ROLL

0:49 They are rolling a beachball.

1:00 Katie signs

1:42 Nicole signs

2:01 She is rolling a tire.

2:13 Katie signs

2:36 He is rolling down the hill!

2:56 Katie signs

3:19 The bowling ball rolls fast!

3:25 Jeff signs

3:34 Nicole signs

3:43 Katie signs

4:17 He rolls the soccer ball all around!

4:30 Katie signs

4:46 They roll to victory!

4:57 Jeff signs

5:16 Nicole signs

5:35 Katie signs

6:12 She rolled along, skating skillfully!

6:32 Katie signs

7:12 They rolled their toys back and forth.

7:28 Trix signs

7:45 Roll the dice!

7:50 Katie signs

8:21 The bread roll is rolling.

8:39 Katies signs

9:02 He is rolling a sushi roll.

9:15 Yan signs

9:23 Katie signs

9:44 She is rolling out the dough.

9:55 Katie signs

10:31 He is using a paint roller.

10:46 Nicole signs

11:03 Katie signs

11:40 She rolled up her sleeves.

11:57 Yan signs

12:07 Katie signs

12:18 They unrolled their mats. 

12:29 Katie signs

12:48 They are rolling a snowball.

13:01 Jeff signs

13:20 Katie signs

13:37 Waves are rolling in.

13:50 Katie signs

14:06 Clouds are rolling in.

14:17 Trix signs

14:38 Katie signs

15:04 The dogs are rolling over together.

15:27 Yan signs

15:50 Worker names roll. 

15:59 Katie signs

16:17 Chris Wixtrom, Producer: Please subscribe & like! Bye!

16:34 Credits roll


RUN timestamps

Run with ASL! Read with ASL YouTube channel (Publication: 3.2.23)

On-screen sentences are reading comprehension opportunities, NOT ASL translations.

Voice-overs are ASL translations. Click “Show transcript” for voice-over text.

0:00 Introduction: Deaf ASL presenter, Yan, introduces herself, mentions that she is Deaf, shows her sign name, and lets viewers know that the focus word RUN has many meanings and the following videos will show some of those meanings

0:31 Clip (a child running while flying a kite)

On-screen reading comprehension sentence: He’s running as fast as he can, flying his kite!

0:39 Yan signs a video clip description.

On-screen sentence: The boy holds tight to the kite string and runs as the kite flies behind him.

0:58 Clip (a stream with running water)

On-screen reading comprehension sentence: The water in the small stream runs down the hill.

1:06 Deaf ASL presenter, Nicole, signs a video clip description.

On-screen reading comprehension sentence: The water runs through the rocks and continues running downhill.

1:18 Clip (grapes being rinsed under a faucet)

On-screen reading comprehension sentence: She ran water over the grapes to clean them.

1:27 Yan signs a clip description.

On-screen reading comprehension sentence: The grapes are placed under running water to rinse them clean.

1:37 Clip (women happen to meet, then hug and chat)

On-screen reading comprehension sentence: They were surprised to run into each other while shopping!

1:54 Yan signs a video clip description.

On-screen reading comprehension sentences: Two women were walking along when they saw each other! They took advantage of running into each other by having a fun chat.

2:05 Clip (students watch a teacher conduct a science experiment)

On-screen reading comprehension sentence: A science teacher and her class are running an experiment.

2:22 Nicole signs a video clip description.

On-screen reading comprehension sentence: Students watch their teacher draw out liquid and transfer it to run an experiment.

2:40 Clip (washing machine with water flowing in)

On-screen reading comprehension sentence: The washing machine is ready to run.

2:48 Clip (washing machine agitating)

On-screen reading comprehension sentence: The washing machine is running, cleaning the clothes.

2:55 Yan signs a video clip description. (washing machine with water flowing in, then an agitation motion beginning)

On-screen reading comprehension sentences: Clothes go in the washing machine. Water runs in and fills it up. Then the machine starts running.

3:07 Clip (woman in flower shop)

On-screen reading comprehension sentence: The manager runs the flower shop, planning carefully.

3:23 Nicole signs a video clip description. (woman in flower shop)

On-screen reading comprehension sentence: She carefully checks each flower, and then compares it to her running list.

3:42 Clip (baby on back, drinking milk from bottle)

On-screen reading comprehension sentences: The baby’s bottle is running out of milk. It’s almost gone!

3:52 Yan signs a video clip description.

On-screen reading comprehension sentence: The baby will drink until the milk runs out and is completely gone.

4:03 Credits: Deaf ASL presenters: Yan Zheng, Nicole Green. Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith. Editor: Don Parnell. Producer: Chris Wixtrom.

SIGN timestamps

Meanings of SIGN!

0:00 Deaf ASL presenter, Katie, explains that video clips will show different meanings of the word SIGN to help you understand the sentences you are reading on screen.

0:27 Welcome signs show many languages. [Video: globe with “Welcome” signs all around it, each in a different language]

0:39 Yan signs a description of the video clip.

0:52 This sign shows that camels travel here. [Video: A triangular sign with a red edge and a picture of a camel in the center stands by a desert road with rocky hills]

1:01 Luul signs a description of the video clip.

1:28 Street signs are above the road sign. [Video: Two green street signs are above a red STOP sign, with a two-story house and woods in the background. Top street sign: Franklin se. Street sign underneath: Morris se]

1:34 Luul signs a description of the video clip.

1:56 She told a story with American Sign Language. [Video: One woman watches another sign a story in American Sign Language (ASL)] 2:31 Katie signs a description of the video clip.

2:46 Dark clouds show signs of a storm. [Video: Heavy dark clouds fill the sky and move forward toward the viewer. Lightning bolts strike in the distance.]

2:56 Luul signs a description of the video clip.

3:19 [Video: A hand peels back the corner of the scene of dark clouds to reveal a scene of blue skies with fluffy white clouds.]

3:23 No sign of rain here! [Video: As the scene of dark clouds is peeled away by a hand pulling up the corner, a scene of blue skies with fluffy white clouds appears]

3:29 Luul signs a description of the video clip.

3:50 She signed for the package. [Video: A smiling, bearded man with blue overalls, a white shirt under a long sleeve patterned shirt, and a blue cap carries a box under one arm. He gives it to a woman, who holds it. The man reaches into the front chest pocket of his overalls and pulls out a receipt and a pen as the woman opens the box to look inside. She closes the box, and the man unfolds the paper and puts it on top of the box, handing the woman the pen. He puts his fingers on the paper to hold it open while the woman signs her name. The woman gives him the paper and pen.]

4:12 Katie signs a description of the video clip.

4:34 What’s your sign? [Video: A colorful, rotating circular Zodiac horoscope image appears, with a bright center, surrounded by picture images representing astrological signs and an edge strip with the names of each sign. The background has colorful blurred images of the signs.]

4:45 Yan signs a description of the video clip. She mentions that the 12 signs are related to birth dates. She signs, “first” and then spells “Leo” and signs “lion.” She then signs “second.” She spells “Pisces” and signs “fish.” She signs “third” and fingerspells “Scorpio” and then signs “scorpion.” She says, “As an example, which one is my birthday sign?” She fingerspells “C-A-N-C-E-R” and signs “crab.”

5:22 Sensors send signals showing vital signs. [Video: A bald shirtless man lies sleeping on a hospital bed with electrical sensors attached to his chest. In the background is a video monitor showing moving lines tracking his vital signs, such as heart rate, breathing, and pulse.]

5:32 This shows vital signs. [Video: A close-up of a different video monitor actively displays heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature with moving lines and numbers]

5:39 Katie describes the video clip. She mentions that the monitor keeps track of the man’s heart rate, respiration (breathing) and blood pressure. She says that these vital signs can be checked to make sure that he is alright.

6:08 Signs of love! [Video animation: A red gift box with a bow opens, and lots of red hearts come out of the box, spreading out and flowing upward]

6:15 Yan describes the video clip.

6:28 Credits: Deaf ASL Presenters: Katie, Luul Del, Yan Zheng. Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith. Editor: Don Parnell. Producer: Chris Wixtrom

SINK Timestamps

0:00 Introduction by Sandro: Different meanings of SINK

0:16 The apples sank, then floated up.

0:28 Sandro signs a clip description

0:35 The paper ship is sinking.

0:48 Sandro signs a clip description

0:58 There’s sunken treasure under the sea!

1:09 Sandro signs a clip description

1:17 Laughing, they sank into the pile of leaves.

1:29 Sandro signs a clip description

1:38 Her hopes sank.

1:50 Sandro signs a clip description

1:57 The sun sank into the ocean.

2:09 Sandro signs a clip description

2:16 They washed dishes in the sink.

2:28 Sandro signs a clip description

2:37 Credits: Deaf ASL Presenter: Sandro Hatibovic, Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

SPRING timestamps

0:00 Intro Suzy signs

0:25 Suddenly, the frog springs into the water!

0:35 Suzy signs clip description: water, water-around-long-flat-surface, frog-on-flat-surface-jump-off-and-into-water

0:47 Clip: When the toast is ready, it springs up from the toaster!

0:53 Sandro signs clip description: toaster, two bread-slices, put-slices-in-toaster, wait, finished, handshapes show two-toast-slices-popping-up simultaneously

1:00 The water hose sprang a leak!

1:09 Yan signs clip description: water H-O-S-E what-is-it-used-for? You-know G-A-R-D-E-N? growing-things, water, shape-of-hose, hold-hose-to-spray-garden, this-hose, damaged-part, water-leaks-out-of-damaged-area (ASL “4” handshape classifier represents water spraying)

1:28 On the springs, the see-saw moves up and down.

1:38 Yan signs clip description: play-large-area, play, what? S-P-R-I-N-G S-E-E-S-A-W, What’s-that? spring-connected-to-top-piece, two kids, (each hand shows a sitting child)

2:02 She has a spring in her step!

2:17 Suzy signs clip description: outside, grassy area, small girl, (fingers represent a person walking in a bouncy, springy, happy way)

2:33 With one step, she sprang across the spring!

2:42 Nicole signs clip description: mountainous area, rocks-all-around, water, flowing-water/spring/creek, person, a person standing on one side of the water, stepping over to the other side, growing-things area

2:51 Suzy signs clip description: water, flowing-water, rock (rock placements here-here-here), girl (person-stand-on-rock), barefoot, shoes, socks, none, (one hand shows person standing, other hand shows flowing water in front of the person, then the person steps over the water to the other side)

3:15 The diver dove off the springboard.

3:30 Suzy signs clip description: water, large-circle-area, P-O-O-L, woman D-I-V-E-R, (one hand shows the diving board, other hand shows the diver walking out to the end of the board, turning around to face backwards, bouncing, diving out, curling up, flipping, then going into the water)

3:47 Hot water bubbles up at the hot springs.

3:57 Yan signs clip description: hot water springs-up, (“hot springs” What’s that?), rock (each hand represents a rock, the rocks are in a circle), one hand holds the “hot spring” while the other hand signs “water coming up”), B-U-B-B-L-E, (two hands show “bubbles”), two open-five hands show “steam”

4:16 Did she do a handspring?

4:30 Sandro signs clip description: gymnasium, area, woman (one hand represents the mat surface, the other represents the woman running, flipping over and over and landing with two “feet” on the other hand which is the mat)

4:37 Spring brings growing things!

4:45 Suzy signs clip description: outside, snow-comes-down, pause, hands sign “at last!” “something wonderful happened!” grass, green, grows (hand repeats “grow” “grow” “grow” along a line of space, showing many plants/a lot of grass springing up)

4:58 In spring, seeds grow roots, stems, and leaves.

5:07 Suzy signs clip description with additional story details: outside, soil/dirt area, index finger is a person going to that area, planting seeds, watering, waiting, roots growing down, then a plant stem growing, then a leaf growing, “growing plant comes up” sign is repeated, showing many plants

5:27 In springtime, flowers spring up!

5:35 Suzy signs a clip description: flower, red, pink, white, yellow, (two hands show “blooming flower” repeated several times to represent many flowers)

5:49 Credits: Deaf ASL presenters: Suzy Stewart, Sandro Hatibovic, Yan Zheng, Nicole Greene, Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtro

Read with ASL YouTube channel

STICK Timestamps


ASL presenter: Trix Bruce. Focus word: STICK

0:18 Clip and sentence: The dog grabbed the stick!

0:29 ASL description

0:45 Clip and sentence: Giraffes stuck their heads through the windows.

0:57 ASL description

1:17 Clip and sentence: The snail slowly stuck its head out.

1:30 ASL description

1:54 Clip and sentence: They’re sticking sticky notes.

2:07 ASL description

2:28 Clip and sentence: They’re using a selfie stick.

2:38 ASL description

3:01 Credits: ASL presenter: Trix Bruce, Voiceovers: ElevenLabs, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

 Read with ASL YouTube channel

TAKE Timestamps

0:00 Welcome: Nicole signs - Focus word: TAKE

0:24 She is taking flowers out of the box.

0:34 Yan signs

0:43 He is taking the computer apart.

0:56 Nicole signs

1:08 What is he doing? He’s taking the puzzle pieces apart.

1:15 Katie signs

1:31 They are taking their dog for a walk.

1:58 Nicole signs

2:25 He is taking the woman’s temperature.

2:43 Katie signs

3:02 He took a breath to go underwater.

3:24 Nicole signs

3:37 The bird is taking a bath.

3:45 Jeff signs

3:59 The baby is taking his first steps!

4:20 Katie signs

4:47 While on a video call, he takes a second call.

5:07 Katie signs

5:30 How do you take a picture? I’ll show you!

5:39 Trix signs

5:51 How does a turtle eat? He takes many bites!

6:02 Trix signs

6:24 Taking a ride is fun!

6:31 Jeff signs

6:42 He decided to take a nap.

6:57 Nicole signs

7:09 The snail is taking his time, moving very slowly.

7:17 Katie signs

7:35 The plane is taking off!

7:46 Nicole signs

7:54 Chris asks viewers to Subscribe & Like. “Bye!”

8:11 Credits

THROUGH timestamps

0:00 Intro: Trix signs

0:22 The ship is moving smoothly through the water.

0:33 Krista signs a clip description: water, large-body-of-water, water-ripples, large-ship-moves-forward, ship-pushes-water-to-move-away-on-both-sides

0:49 Quickly, the dog runs through the tunnel!

0:57 Trix signs a clip description: you-know dog shows? dogs run through chutes/tunnels, meet trainer outside

1:15 These cars are driving through a long, lighted tunnel.

1:26 Trix signs a clip description: tunnel, cars going past each other in opposite directions

1:45 He leaps up and sends the basketball down through the hoop!

1:52 Trix signs a clip description: basketball, person with a basketball goes toward the hoop, hoop attached to a backboard, mesh netting hanging from hoop rim, person shoots the ball, it goes into/through the hoop

2:14 With her head through the fence, she eats from the other side.

2:23 Krista signs a clip description: fence, woman, stands-nearby, horse-behind-fence, horse reaches through fence to eat, woman watches

2:37 Slowly, the turtle makes its way through the grass.

2:48 Krista signs a clip description: grass, turtle, turtle moving-forward-through-grass

3:01 Walking through dry leaves is fun!

3:11 Trix signs a clip description: many trees, many leaves on path, a person walks through leaves, kicks leaves

3:34 They’re walking through the forest.

3:46 Krista signs a clip description: trees, trees, boy, father, baby in backpack father carries, three persons, walking, trees, trees

4:06 These cubs are closely following their mother through the snow.

4:17 Krista signs a clip description: snow has fallen, large snowy area, animals moving across, bear, bear with three (cubs), moving/walking through fallen snow

4:36 He’s running through the house!

4:49 Trix signs a clip description: house, hallway, boy, running, running

5:04 She’s looking through the clothes to find some she likes.

5:17 Krista signs a clip description: clothing rack, clothing, many-items-on-rack, woman, look, take-item-hold-up-to-self, put-back-on-rack, move-items-aside-to-see-each

5:35 He runs his fingers through his hair again and again.

5:43 Trix signs a clip description: young man, messy-hair-all-askew, runs-finger-through-hair-until-right

5:56 The curious cat is peeking out through the basket.

6:08 Trix signs a clip description: big-container/box, woven-basket, cat, cat-inside-basket-peeks-out

6:22 Sand is slowly falling through her fingers.

6:33 Trix signs a clip description: beach, S-A-N-D, lots-of-sand-all-around, someone-puts-two-hands-into-sand-to-scoop-up-a-handful-of-sand, sand-trickles-down-through-open-fingers

6:49 She walks through the pipe, then cheerfully waves hello!

6:57 Krista signs a clip description: P-I-P-E, huge, girl, girl-runs-through-pipe, through P-I-P-E, waves-hello, runs-out

7:16 Credits: American Sign Language (ASL) presenters: Trix Bruce, Krista Epps , Voice-overs: Heather Ruth, Lynne D. Smith , Editor: Don Parnell , Producer: Chris Wixtrom

TIE timestamps

Sentences are reading comprehension opportunities, not ASL translations.

0:00 Intro: Yan signs

0:17 She ties on her apron, and gets ready to work.

0:31 Yan signs a scene description from the video clip

0:48 He’s tying his tie.

1:05 Yan signs a scene description from the video clip

1:20 Family ties bring people together.

1:35 Nicole signs a scene description from the video clip

1:45 Friendship ties bring people together.

2:00 Sandro signs a scene description from the video clip

2:12 A boat is tied to the dock.

2:22 Yan signs a scene description from the video clip

2:39 She untied the bow to look in the box.

3:02 Nicole signs a scene description from the video clip

3:21 Bow tie pasta is shaped like a bow tie.

3:30 Sandro signs a scene description from the video clip

3:35 Each bicyclist tried to win. Surprise! It was a tie!

3:46 Yan signs a scene description from the video clip

3:56 Credits: ASL presenters: Yan Zheng, Nicole Greene, Sandro Hatibovic; Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith; Editor: Don Parnell; Producer: Chris Wixtrom

 TURN timestamps

0:00 Intro Katie signs

0:16 The car stops, then turns right.

0:29 Katie signs

0:38 The driver is turning the steering wheel.

0:53 Katie signs

1:03 The airplane is slowly turning.

1:08 Nicole signs

1:17 The green traffic light turned yellow, then red.

1:22 Katie signs

1:38 You can turn a light on or off.

1:42 Katie signs

1:51 He sat down and turned the TV on.

2:16 Jeff signs

2:35 He turned the water on and off.

2:45 Nicole signs

2:55 While reading, she turns the pages.

3:05 Katie signs

3:16 She turned the food over on the grill.

3:27 Nicole signs

3:37 The owl turned its head to look, then turned again.

3:46 Nicole signs

3:59 Like magic, my drawing turned into a real house!

4:11 Katie signs

4:33 The caterpillar turned into a butterfly!

4:47 Katie signs

5:04 We are taking turns.

5:18 Katie signs

5:33 Credits: Deaf ASL presenters: Katie Delgadillo, Nicole Greene, Jeff Padon,

Voice-overs: Rachel Bailey, Julie Balassa, Don Parnell, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

Read with ASL YouTube channel

UNDER timestamps

0:00 Intro UNDER: Sandro signs

0:14 Underwater, a diver explores a wrecked ship.

0:31 Trix signs clip description: a person is exploring deep under the ocean, the diver swims into a hole in the wreckage, and then swims away

0:59 She softly scratched the cat under its chin.

1:12 Suzy signs clip description: girl sits on floor near sleeping cat, girl pets cat, rubs its ears, scratches it under its chin

1:30 Since it’s raining, they’re eating under an umbrella.

1:38 Sandro signs clip description: people are outside sitting around a table, eating; it's raining, they’re holding umbrellas open over their heads

1:46 He’s carrying a skateboard under his arm.

2:00 Sandro signs clip description: boy walking, hold-skateboard-under-his-arm

2:07 Standing underneath the car, the mechanics work together.

2:20 Jeff signs clip description: a woman and a man stand under a car raised on a lift; the man watches the woman work on a tire, points at something, and gives her helpful advice 

2:40 Underneath the blanket, someone is trying to get out.

2:50 Nicole signs a clip description: outside, something is moving under a blanket - It's a dog! - the dog peeks its head out from under the blanket 

2:58 A scientist is looking carefully at something under a microscope.

3:07 Trix signs clip description: a microscope - What does it look like? - shape of microscope, something put on a viewing slide, the slide moved under the microscope light, a person peers into microscope, the image of what is on the slide appears very much enlarged 

3:29 The long ship is gliding under the bridge.

3:41 Sandro signs clip description: a very long ship glides under a bridge

3:47 Under the leaf, a bug is hiding.

3:57 Yan signs clip description: outside, grassy area, a bug hiding under a leaf, attached to the underside of the leaf

4:03 On top, the fish is dark with white spots. The underside is white.

4:16 Yan signs clip description: underwater, a fish swims - What does it look like? - the top side is black with white spots, the underside is white

4:32 As a giraffe stands under a tree, another comes along.

4:47 Sandro signs clip description: tall tree, giraffe stands next to and under the tree, another giraffe comes to the tree

4:55 In a cave underground, they gaze upward.

5:00 Trix signs clip description: a cave underground, people go into the cave, people walk around and look up at the cave ceiling, someone shines a light on the ceiling, people look up at the lighted ceiling

5:17 Credits: ASL Presenters: Sandro Hatibovic, Trix Bruce, Suzy Stewart, Jeff Padon, Nicole Greene, Yan Zheng, Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

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UP Timestamps

0:00 Intro Sandro Focus word: UP

0:28 One boy is helping set up the tent. The older boy is watching.

0:39 Sandro signs a clip description: father set up tent, young boy goes-there-to help, older boy watches

0:47 He hid behind the pillows and then popped up!

0:59 Yan signs a clip description: small boy hides behind pillows, pops-head-up-from-behind-pillows

1:08 Mom told the kids to hurry up!

1:17 Sandro signs a clip description: house, mom, open door, call-urgently, kids, two, hurry, two-run-toward-door, go-out, mom, walks-to-door, go-out, door-close

1:26 They’re keeping the balloons up in the air.

1:39 Sandro signs a clip description: children enjoy balloons toss-up, toss-up, toss-up

1:46 The burner keeps the hot air balloon up.

1:55 Sandro signs a clip description: balloon, burner-fire-flares-up, hot-air-balloon-goes-up, balloon-floats-around, large-land-area, float-over-area

2:06 Suddenly, the sleeping kitten woke up!

2:16 Yan signs a clip description: cat, sleeping, wakes-up, turns-head-with-ears-up-and-looks-around

2:24 Someone is sweeping up the leaves.

2:35 Sandro signs a clip description: person, using-push-broom, leaves, all-around-area, sweep, sweep, sweep

2:41 The kids put their hands up to answer questions.

2:52 Yan signs a clip description: teacher, sit-in-front-facing-students, group-of-persons-sit-in-half-circle-facing-teacher, kids, in-half-circle, raise-hand, raise-hand, raise-hand, answer questions

3:03 They go upstairs, then slide down, step by step.

3:17 Sandro signs a clip description: two kids, girls, go-upstairs, finish/get-to-top, slide-down-step-by-step

3:25 Dad lifted her way up!

3:47 Yan signs a clip description: girl, run-to, Dad, pick-her-up-lift-her-up (several times)

3:57 Dad tossed the apple up! Who caught it?

4:19 Sandro signs a clip description: father, have-in-hand, apple (points), apple-goes-up-high, apple-descends, Mother, mother-reach-out-catch-apple, look-at-son-and-give-apple-to-son, son, son-takes-apple, throws-apple-toward-father, father-catches-apple

4:32 Credits: ASL presenters: Sandro Hatibovic, Yan Zheng, Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith, Nerissa Laing, Elizabeth Bartyzal, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

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UPSIDE DOWN Timestamps

0:00 Trix Bruce signs intro to Upside Down

0:21 Do you like going upside down on a rollercoaster?

0:30 Trix signs

0:53 How many mugs are upside down?

0:59 Trix signs

1:21 We put my bike upside down so we could fix it.

1:28 Trix signs

1:50 The caterpillar can eat upside down!

1:59 Trix signs

2:18 The world looks different upside down!

2:28 Trix signs

2:42 Hanging upside down is a lot of fun!

2:55 Trix signs

3:18 They are flying upside down!

3:27 Trix signs

4:01 Chris Wixtrom (Producer): Please “like” and “subscribe”

4:18 Credits

ASL works!

WALK Timestamps


Read with ASL YouTube LINK: https://youtu.be/OIZr7DwKf9g

American Sign Language video clip descriptions with reading comprehension sentences

Deaf ASL presenter: Rachel

0:00 Intro by Rachel

0:50 This is a crab. Crabs walk sideways. (photo)

0:55 Crabs walk sideways. (video clip)

1:07 ASL clip description. Sentence: Crabs walk sideways.

1:26 This is a sidewalk. (photo)

1:31 The family is walking on the sidewalk. (video clip)

1:40 ASL clip description. Sentence: The family is walking on the sidewalk.

2:00 This is a crosswalk. (photo)

2:05 He’s walking across the crosswalk. (video clip)

2:12 ASL clip description. Sentence: We walk across the crosswalk.

2:39 The zebra is walking. (video clip)

2:49 ASL clip description. Sentence: In England, these are called zebra crossings.

3:12 The boy is walking his bike. (video clip)

3:22 ASL clip description. Sentence: The boy is walking his bike.

3:31 Two friends are enjoying a walk on the beach.

3:41 ASL clip description. Sentence: Two friends are enjoying a walk on the beach.

4:23 This map shows many short walks. (video clip)

4:30 ASL clip description. Sentence: This map shows many short walks.

4:44 Credits: ASL Presenter: Rachel; Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith; Editor: Don Parnell; Producer: Chris Wixtrom

WAVE Timestamps


0:00 Introduction by Sandro Hatibovic

0:10 Clip with sentence: The puppy is running on stones, his ears waving!

0:21 ASL description of clip: puppy

0:29 Clip with sentence: The stingray slowly waves its fins underwater.

0:45 ASL description of clip: stingray

0:54 Clip with sentence: The ocean has waves.

1:04 ASL description of clip: ocean

1:11 Clip with sentence: Flags are waving.

1:19 ASL description of clip: flags

1:25 Clip with sentence: Groups stand up and sit down to make a wave!

1:37 ASL description of clip: stadium

1:46 Clip with sentence: Her hair is wavy.

1:54 ASL description of clip: hair

1:58 Clip with sentence: Very tall grass is waving.

2:08 ASL description of clip: grass

2:15 Clip with sentence: They are waving.

2:23 ASL description of clip: family

2:27 Credits: ASL Presenter: Sandro Hatibovic, Voice-overs by ElevenLabs, Editor: Don Parnell, Producer: Chris Wixtrom

WORK Timestamps: ASL works! (4:37)


0:00 Intro by Sandro Hatibovic: Sandro introduces himself, mentions that he was born Deaf, lets viewers know that this video gives many different meanings of the word “work” and encourages them to figure out these meanings in different sentences, signed with different signs. He says this will help their reading comprehension.

0:27 Clip shows silhouettes of two children sitting on a fence, watching the sunset and four wind turbines slowly turning. On-screen sentence: These wind turbines work to make electricity.

0:38 Sandro signs a scene description, fingerspelling the word “windmills” On-screen sentence: These wind turbines work to make electricity.

0:52 Clip shows a standing man in greasy work clothes using both hands to ratchet a floor jack that has been placed under a car in front of a wheel to lift this part of the car. On-screen sentence: This tool works to lift the car.

1:00 Sandro signs a scene description, fingerspelling the word “machine” On-screen sentence: This tool works to lift the car.

1:08 Clip shows a large open area cluttered with broken appliances. A man carries over a small old machine, puts it down, and walks away. On-screen sentence: These old machines don’t work anymore.

1:19 Sandro signs a scene description, fingerspelling the word “appliances” On-screen sentence: These old machines don’t work anymore.

1:31 Clip shows a helmeted and uniformed firefighter carrying a girl downstairs past a burning wall in the building stairwell. On-screen sentence: Firefighters do dangerous rescue work.

1:37 Sandro signs a scene description. On-screen sentence: Firefighters do dangerous rescue work.

1:47 Clip shows nighttime fireworks. On-screen sentence: Wow! Look up at the colorful fireworks!

1:57 Sandro signs a scene description. On-screen sentence: Wow! Look up at the colorful fireworks!

2:07 Clip shows a young girl wearing a pink shirt. She is wearing glasses. She looks down at something, then looks up and smiles, touching and adjusting her glasses. On-screen sentence: Glasses work to help us see clearly.

2:17 Sandro signs a scene description. On-screen sentence: Glasses work to help us see clearly.

2:27 Clip shows three young children working in a garden. One is digging with a hoe, one uses a large watering can to water, and the third child uses a trowel and plants flowers. On-screen sentence: They’re working on their garden together.

2:37 Sandro signs a scene description, fingerspelling “garden” On-screen sentence: They’re working on their garden together.

2:49 Clip shows two young children looking at a tablet held by one of them at a table. A school bookshelf display holds a few front-facing books. Speaking to each other, the children continue looking at the tablet as the girl taps something on it. The boy nods his head. On-screen sentence: They’re working something out together.

3:03 Sandro signs a scene description, fingerspelling “tablet” On-screen sentence: They’re working something out together.

3:13 Clip shows a woman working out in a room, standing on a carpeted area in front of a window with drapes and a couch at the back, with a lamp, plant, and set of drawers to one side, and slanted windows on the other side. The woman is holding a large cat in her arms as she works out with leg raises and knee bends. On-screen sentence: She held her cat while she worked out.

3:27 Sandro signs a scene description. On-screen sentence: She held her cat while she worked out.

3:39 Clip shows a caterpillar on a slender tree branch, moving slowly to another branch. On-screen sentence: The caterpillar slowly worked its way along.

3:54 Sandro signs a scene description, fingerspelling “caterpillar” On-screen sentence: The caterpillar slowly worked its way along.

4:07 Credits: Deaf ASL Presenter: Sandro Hatibovic. Voice-overs: Lynne D. Smith. Editor: Don Parnell Producer: Chris Wixtrom

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